Discovering the Joy In Small Beginnings

In a world that often measures success by size and visibility, I've learned that it's not always about the grand or the big stages. In fact, some of the most profound moments of growth and understanding have come from the seemingly insignificant tasks that fill my day-to-day life.

I've come to realize that if I'm walking in what the Lord has called me to do, it doesn't matter how small it is.

This understanding has been a game-changer for me. It reminds me of King David, who found joy and purpose in small tasks. David's story shows us that greatness can be found in hiddenness, and success isn't always about size or arrival.

One of the key lessons I've learned is the importance of finding contentment in the present moment. Instead of waiting for success to come with size or arrival, focus on the tasks at hand, no matter how small they may seem.

I can't stress enough the importance of having a dialogue with the Lord about your feelings and frustrations. This open communication is your lifeline and will help you stay focused and prevent you from being derailed from what God’s called you to do.

Do not despise the day of small beginnings, be faithful to steward what the Lord has given you in the season that he's given you.

David's time in the wilderness allowed him to develop his gifts and talents. This story serves as a reminder for me that challenging seasons can lead to growth and purpose. Similarly, Jesus spent the first 30 years of his life being completely unknown and anonymous to everyone, embracing the unknown.

The Value of Faithfulness

Lastly, I want to remind you that the Lord sees and values those who are faithful in seemingly insignificant tasks. This insight encourages me to remain steadfast and committed in my tasks, no matter how small they may seem.

In conclusion, my journey has taught me valuable lessons about finding joy and purpose in small beginnings. By embracing the tasks at hand and maintaining a dialogue with the Lord, I've found contentment and purpose in my journey, regardless of its size or visibility.


The Stage is Meant to Break You: